Sameer 4

Sameer Shelke

Co-Founder and CEO

Navin Kotain - Co-Founder & COO (Aujas Cybersecurity)

Navin Kotian

Co-Founder and COO

Maneesh 1

Manish Kumar Lakhotia

Chief Finance Officer

Rajeev Krishnan - Senior VP (EMEA)

Rajeev Krishnan

Senior Vice President

Jaykishan Nirmal - Senior VP (Security Verification)

Jaykishan Nirmal

Senior Vice President
Security Verification

Suhas Desai


Senior Vice President (MDR) &
Cyber Technology Head (India & APAC)

Yogesh bhatia profile 1

Yogesh Bhatia

Sr. VP Middle East & Africa Sales

Ramya profile 1

Ramya Eradi

Vice President HR