With the rising sophistication and cost of DDoS attacks, enterprises are realizing the need for a robust mitigation strategy. Aujas Cybersecurity, in collaboration with RedWolf Security Inc., recently hosted a webinar titled, "DDoS Resiliency: Insights from Real-World Simulations."

The event which featured James Mal, Director - Global Business Development, RedWolf Security Inc., and Neha Patel, Vice President - Client Success, Aujas Cybersecurity as key speakers was a huge success. The insightful session focused on the evolving DDoS threat landscape and concluded with a Q&A session, equipping attendees with the knowledge and tools necessary to safeguard their organizations against DDoS attacks.

The attendees:

  • Gained insights into the latest trends and attack vectors in the DDoS landscape.
  • Learned about the factors that contribute to the success of DDoS attacks despite mitigation solutions.
  • Uncovered actionable insights from real-world DDoS attack simulations.
  • Witnessed a live demo of new sophisticated DDoS attacks.  
  • Discovered best practices and mitigation strategies to build a DDoS-resilient organization.

James Mal

James Mal

Director Global Business Development Redwolf Security

Neha Patel

Neha Patel

Vice President Client Success Aujas Cybersecurity

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